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Metrics Setup

Get started with sending custom metrics to Blue Matador

Thomas Steele avatar
Written by Thomas Steele
Updated over a week ago

The Metric Setup provides a quick overview of the installed agents and metrics being submitted to your account. It will aid you in setting up everything you need to start sending custom metrics to your Blue Matador account.


The agents tab displays all of the installed agents in your account and shows which agents have the StatsD listener enabled (the service that listens for custom metrics).

Clicking on an agent tile will show more information relative to that agent.

For instructions on setting up your agents to listen for custom metrics, click the Enable StatsD button.


The metrics tab displays all of the submitted metrics in your account, any custom metrics that you are sending will appear here.

Clicking on a metric tile will show more information and allow you to customize the metric’s unit.

For instructions on how to setup a client in your codebase to send custom metrics with, click the Send Metrics button.

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