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Email Notifications
Thomas Steele avatar
Written by Thomas Steele
Updated over 5 years ago

Blue Matador’s email integration allows you to receive notifications about alert and warning level events as emails.


Receiving notifications from Blue Matador through email requires either an active trial or paid account. Contact sales to get started. You will also need to meet the following requirements:

  • An email account to send notifications to

Setup Process

1. Log in to Blue Matador and navigate to the Notifications page via Setup > Notifications.

2. Expand the Email dialog by clicking on the Connect button on the Email tile.

3. Choose which events will be sent to your email. You can choose to see only events of a certain severity or, if you have Projects enabled, you can make the same choices by project.

4. Enter your email address. You can also send a test email to the address to make sure you’ve entered it correctly.

5. Save the email integration.


If you are not receiving notifications from Blue Matador in your email, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Ensure that your email address is correct.

  2. Check that the event matches the severities you’ve selected in Step 3 of the setup process. For example, if the event was a Warning, make sure that you have Warnings checked. If you’ve configured Projects, make sure that the event matches both the severity and the projects you’ve selected.

  3. Check that the event has not been hidden by your Mute Rules.

  4. If you are still unable to receive notifications through email, you should contact your account manager to have our engineering team look into it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the email integration cost extra? All of the Blue Matador integrations are available during the free trial period and with any paid account, at no extra cost.

Can I have multiple email integrations? Blue Matador supports as many email integrations as you need.

How do I disable an email integration? To disabled an email integration, navigate to the Notifications page via Setup > Notifications and find the integration in the list of configured integrations. Click on the tile and select Disable Integration to disable your integration.

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